Working solution for UPA ERRORS ON MOTOROLA CHIPS HC05

This post begins with UPA ERRORS ON MOTOROLA CHIPS HC05, then followed bad connection pictures, finally I find out working solution and would like to share with all of you.

UPA USA Programmer I got is from China:

Problem details:
Right I soldered all 9 wires for hc05b6 as shown in UPA USA manual
and lifted vdd pin from plate. tried to read but will not read.

so I ran voltage tests 2 pins came back as bad if I remove the 2 bad wires and rerun test they both come back as ok.

The first bad connection is pin 1 IRQ
The second bad connection is pin 6 PD3

Is was gonna give up but I found some extra reference to these chips hidden away in upa folder
The 2 bad connections seem to be the same that are described in the files I found.

1 was a txt file just containing a few words: CUT PD3, IRQ, TCAP1
as 2 of these seem to be the same as my 2 bad connections. Check screens below.

it’s got me wondering maybe these chips will read ive seen someone else about with same errors on similar chip.

Here is working solution, works with clone UPA well
1. connect all wires as shown on chip pinout diagram.
2.lift PD3 and IRQ pins from board. voltage test in upa program.
it should show connected at the bottom. then read Smile

you may have to lift VDD but maybe not I had lifted it 1st time round and may not have reconnected properly Smile
I did not lift tcap1 or other pins that have been suggested.

it seems the trick is to lift any pins from chip that give bad voltage.


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