VXDIAG NANO vs VCM II, Which better?

Recently, many complained their confusion to buy a diagnostic tool for Ford or Mazda, for there is a full chip high quality VCM II for nearly 180$ (SP177-C) and there is the new VXDIAG VCX NANO for only about 100$. The price difference is ridiculous and sellers claim they both do the same thing.

clone vcm 2 & original vxdiag come with the same software--> thus the same function & vehicle coverage & language support & O/S requirement

vcm ii - clone vs. vxdiag - original (different factories--> different brands&firmware--> different price: vxdiag usually cheaper)
different drivers

*detailed similarities and differences - VCM II vs. VXDIAG NANO
Differences Origina or not Clone Original
Price  $180.83 $109
Drivers Drivers are installed when software installation Install VXDIAG driver after software installation (free download vxdiag driver)
Similarities Software version Ford IDS V98; Mazda IDS V98 (free download IDS 98)
Function Diagnosis and programming (click for detail)
Language English, German, Spanish, Italy, French,  Greece, Finland, Slovenia, Danmark ,Czechic, Chinese, Vietnam, Turkey, Thailand, Swedish, Russian, Portuguese,  Poland, Norwegian, Holand, Korean, Japanese, Indian, Hungary
Vehicle FORD MAZDA from 1996 to 2015
Operating system Windows XP SP3, Win 7
VMware Both support VMware installation
Update FREE, via free download links on webs
WIFI Both support Wi-Fi
In short, VCM II and VXDIAG NANO comes with the same software but different firmware!


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