Ford VCMII IDS Remove Speed Limiter on Ford Transit

This is an instruction on how to remove speed limiter on Ford Transit with China Ford VCMII diagnostic tool.

Device used:
Ford vcm2 diagnostic tool
Once VCMII IDS has commmunicated with your Transit Connect,

Select toolbox>> module programming, click on the tick button.

Selecr Programmable parameters>>speed items, click on the tick button.
Select vehicle speed limit>>disable speed limiter, click on the tick button.
Is the vehicle equipped with PATS? Select Yes for PATS.
IDS erase PCM (ECU).
IDS download data to PCM (ECU).
Click on the tick button to continue.
IDS prompts: Turn ignition off & on for several times.
Run PATS service function - click on the tick button to continue.

IDS prompts: Turn ignition off & on for several times.

Operation complete. Click on the tick button to continue.
The process is completed after DTCs have been cleared.
Top 2 reasons to get Ford diagnostic tool VCM II:
1. Ford VCM II provides full dealer diagnostic capabilities for most 16 pin Fords, including Ford vehicles from old to latest.
2. Powerful function: Read/Clear DTCs, program ECUs, keys, PCM, ABS, Instrument Cluster, Air Bag, Injector Coding and so on.

PS. Clone VCM2 PCB display:


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